1 Information provided on the website of the Ministry of Justice: http://www.vaalit.fi/42735.htm

2 Venice, 5-6 July 2002 – «Guidelines on elections», see, for example, document CDL-AD (2002) 23 rev “Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters”.

3 See, for example, the information on website of the Finnish Ministry of Justice: http://www.om.fi/Etusivu/Ajankohtaista/Uutiset/1224166604122 Complaints requesting the annulment of the election results in the three concerned municipalities have been lodged with the Helsinki administrative tribunal (see, e.g., an article in the largest Finnish daily paper, Helsingin Sanomat, of 11 November 2008, available at www.hs.fi . The complaints could potentially result is a re-run of the elections in the three municipalities.

4 As a comparison, 132 paper ballots were disqualified in the three concerned municipalities in the preceding 2004 local elections, amounting to 0,68% of the votes cast. The equivalent figure for 2008 (157 disqualified paper ballots and 232 non-registered electronic votes) amounts to a total of 389 or 1,8% of votes cast, practically trebling the proportion of disqualified votes compared to the previous elections.

5 See, for example, Helsingin Sanomat 11 November 2008 (Finnish only), available at www.hs.fi

6 Idem.

7 Information provided to the Congress by the Finnish Ministry of Justice.

8 Committee of Ministers Rec (2004)11, article 22. Available at www.coe.int

9 www.effi.org